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Phone number

Zara : The owner of this number is Treetops Nursery - Pudsey.

Phone number

Jenson : The Fleece calls from this number.

Phone number

Brooke : Contact by phone to The Village Wine Bar.

Phone number

Frankie : The owner of this number is Morley Acupuncture Clinic.

Phone number

Jenson : Contact by phone to McDonald's.

Phone number

Arthur : This number belongs to Q-Park Chaplefield.

About our portal

Do you wonder who called you from an unknown number?

Did it happen to you – an unknown phone number calling you all the time and you have no idea who can it be? If you want to figure out who called you, without risking a chance of being ripped off, first check the number.

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Do you have problems with harassing phone calls or frauds?

Harassing phone numbers are a very common problem. You never know if it is just another call center representative or a dangerous scammer who is trying to phish your personal data or steal money. Want to be safe? Find out who called you.

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Are you looking for some information about a company or a person?

Another unknown number on your phone? Not anymore. Here you can check who called you and find information about the mystery caller. We present you a wide base of phone numbers that will surely help you discover unknown number.

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United Kingdom's Free Reverse Phone Lookup

Unknown number?
Find out who really called you!

Our users share information about harassing phone calls, scammers and unwanted phone calls as well as text messaging harassment charges. If you have encountered such a problem, please add this number to our database and leave a comment below. Your involvement can help other users to protect themselves against financial and moral losses! Our portal creates a comprehensive database of telephone numbers which consists of business names and phone numbers of legally operating companies in the UK. In our database you can find telephone numbers of various professional groups like doctors, mechanics and restaurants.

We are getting stronger, join us!

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Unknown number? Find out who really called you!

Types of phone numbers on the portal

Unknown caller?
Missed call scams.

One of the most popular tricks used by telephone fraudsters is making mass calls that you can not answer. Having a missed call we usually call back. It is mentally exhausting, because we do not know who we call and for what purpose. This situation makes us anxious! Another problem is that within the network we can find dangerous "premium numbers" resulting increased cost of a telephone call. Numbers starting with 09 could be very expensive...

For security reasons, we recommend to check for unknown phone numbers in our database.

Who called me? Missed call scams.

Scams using text messages (SMS) from
unknown numbers?

This is one the most common types of telephone crimes. An unknown number sends you a message informing you that you have won a lottery or sweepstakes and you need to apply for the award. It could be also like a message from friend asking "how you feel" or "how are you"?

Without knowing the number, many of us write off trying to find out who was the author of the message - this is a big mistake! Your message can be sent to a number with high premium fees.

Scams using text messages (SMS) from unknown numbers?
Are you still thinking about the unknown number, that called you? Our web portal enables you to verify who is the owner of the telephone. The database of phone numbers is created thanks to our users who were harassed by spammer calls, received unwanted SMS messages or they were getting deaf calls. In the UK, several million unwanted calls are made every day. What can you do if you find out who was the caller? You can add the number to our database and write a review with the information who called you. In this way you can warn other people against this number. You can also report such a connection to an adequate institution like Telephone Preference Service (TPS), your mobile provider, Ofcom (protection against scams and sharp practices) and Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). TPS is a free registry, that collect your preferences regarding the receipt of commercial, advertising and marketing connections. After registration of you phone number and determining from which numbers you do not want to get the phone calls, such connections should be blocked. Unfortunately TPS does not have the legal tools to impose penalties, but they can refer the issue to ICO. In this case such companies may receive severe penalties for harassment activities making the phone calls despite your will.
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